Issues created at the birth of “Dolly” the Sheep
This issue was so serious for people all around the world because the birth of Dolly with the use of cloning was, and is still not accepted by many communities as some fear that this process might lead to many problems, extinction of beings, being one of the problems.
The main issue , however , was that Dolly had too many diseases and that ethically it was wrong to put give so much trouble to the sheep as it was a living creature and not a tangible object.
The main communities who were concerned were:
· Religious groups
· Animal welfare groups
· Food safety authority
· Environmental organizations
· the Health and Human Services Committee
The news of successfully cloned animals has created great concerns among religious leaders, legislators and other international organizations. All these communities have different reasons for not accepting cloned humans and animals.
Religious concerns
Religion plays a very important role in the opposition of human cloning .Religious leaders are greatly concerned about the cloning of human because they think that it is not a natural process and that no one should play God.The main arguments of scholars of different religions are:
“* God is the Creator not humans. We have no right to interfere with God's plan.
* Loss of Kinship - as the clone does not really have an identifiable mother or father.
* Harmful to Society/nature - may have grave consequences if this ability was to create superior beings.
* May cause disruption in nature, due to possibilities of overpopulation and famine.
* Unnatural - a way of reproduction that is contrary to what God has given humans”
* Loss of Kinship - as the clone does not really have an identifiable mother or father.
* Harmful to Society/nature - may have grave consequences if this ability was to create superior beings.
* May cause disruption in nature, due to possibilities of overpopulation and famine.
* Unnatural - a way of reproduction that is contrary to what God has given humans”
Any kind of changes in the natural process of human beings is said to be disastrous for humans and other living creatures by many religions. The reason for this is that scholars think that God has took control of the natural process of living creatures and that if something is changed, it would be unacceptable to God.
This issue created great uproar in various religious communities when “Dolly” the sheep was born. In 2002, Malaysia banned human cloning saying that it was against Islam. Ismail Ibrahim who is the head of the Muslim clerical council and has the authority issue a decree, or fatwa, said "Human cloning has generated a lot of interest around the world. We do not have problems with cloning of animals or even food, but human beings are a completely different issue…" (Associated press 2002)
Ethical concerns
The human rights organizations and other international organizations are greatly concerned on the development of this new technology. The main reason behind this is that human cloning can lead to many problems in a society. As all technologies can be used either in a good way or a bad way; many people fear that it will be used in a bad way in the future. However, the main ethical concerns are:
In the future, if human cloning is used, people’s lives might not have much value as humans could be created by cloning.
The clone’s might become slave of people who created them .Clones have feelings and other needs such as need for affection and love. So, they will be normal human beings which will make it unethical to try to control their lives.
Clones can get more diseases and it is unethical to make them go through all this trouble
In the future , clones might act as cheap labor which will be unethical as they will still be humans
If human cloning takes place, it will be like a Possibility of creating a human repair kit.
The real question is “It is already happening in nature, why should we do it?”
- Large percentage of cloning efforts end in failure for example in the case of Dolly, so many sheeps was used to create Dolly which in some way showed there was no value for them. This could happen in the case of humans too
- Clones that do survive often have fatal or problem causing issues in their genes. These can also cause many viruses which may lead to the extinction of human beings.
- Cloning will create a black market for stolen or discarded embryos
- Cloning will stop genetic improvements to a species
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